
Phanocloidea procera (Conle, Hennemann, Bellanger, Lelong, Jourdan & Valero, 2020)

copyright MNHN, Paris. male: end of abdomen, ventral view (paratype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590030; e379d0f6-820e-45d2-80c6-29258decc65f, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. male: end of abdomen, ventral view (paratype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590030; e379d0f6-820e-45d2-80c6-29258decc65f, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. female: end of abdomen, lateral view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590026; b3f258cf-c573-4560-affb-f30068917691, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. male: end of abdomen, dorsal view (paratype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590030; e379d0f6-820e-45d2-80c6-29258decc65f, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. female: end of abdomen, dorsal view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590026; b3f258cf-c573-4560-affb-f30068917691, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. male, lateral view (paratype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590030; e379d0f6-820e-45d2-80c6-29258decc65f, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. male: head & part of thorax, lateral view (paratype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590030; e379d0f6-820e-45d2-80c6-29258decc65f, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. male: end of abdomen, lateral view (paratype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590030; e379d0f6-820e-45d2-80c6-29258decc65f, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. female: end of abdomen, ventrral view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590026; b3f258cf-c573-4560-affb-f30068917691, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. female, lateral view (holotype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590026; b3f258cf-c573-4560-affb-f30068917691, a CollectionObject.
copyright MNHN, Paris. female (holotype) and male (paratype). Depicts CollectionObject 1590026; b3f258cf-c573-4560-affb-f30068917691, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (3)

  • Phanocles procerus Conle, Hennemann, Bellanger, Lelong, Jourdan & Valero, 2020: 7, figs.

    Holotype; female; b3f258cf-c573-4560-affb-f30068917691; deposited at: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); French Guiana: Saül

  • Phanocles procerus Conle, Hennemann, Bellanger, Lelong, Jourdan & Valero, 2020 in Brock & Büscher, 2022: 514. Specimen or distribution
  • Phanocloidea procera (Conle, Hennemann, Bellanger, Lelong, Jourdan & Valero, 2020) in Hennemann & Conle, 2024: 239-243. Image or description; Phylogeny or classification; Key

Nomenclature references (3)

Descendants and synonyms


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