
Moritasgus stresemanni Günther, 1935

CollectionObject 1559949; 6ac61a32-37e8-4b63-a1b7-2d66317c399c: copyright MNHU, Berlin. female, dorsal view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559949; 6ac61a32-37e8-4b63-a1b7-2d66317c399c: copyright MNHU, Berlin. female, dorsal view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559949; 6ac61a32-37e8-4b63-a1b7-2d66317c399c: copyright MNHU, Berlin. female, lateral view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559949; 6ac61a32-37e8-4b63-a1b7-2d66317c399c: copyright MNHU, Berlin. female: head & thorax, lateral view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559949; 6ac61a32-37e8-4b63-a1b7-2d66317c399c: copyright MNHU, Berlin. female: mid body, lateral view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559949; 6ac61a32-37e8-4b63-a1b7-2d66317c399c: copyright MNHU, Berlin. female: end of abdomen, lateral view (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559950; 57e0ab30-efbb-4ccb-9bc5-4ee806f9b829: copyright MNHU, Berlin. male, dorsal view of synonym Eubias athlius (holotype). (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559950; 57e0ab30-efbb-4ccb-9bc5-4ee806f9b829: copyright ZMHB, Berlin. male, lateral view of synonym Eubias athlius. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559950; 57e0ab30-efbb-4ccb-9bc5-4ee806f9b829: copyright ZMHB, Berlin. male: head & thorax, lateral view of synonym Eubias athlius. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1559950; 57e0ab30-efbb-4ccb-9bc5-4ee806f9b829: copyright ZMHB, Berlin. male: end of abdomen, lateral view of synonym Eubias athlius. (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (10)

  • Eubias athlius Günther, 1935: 22, pl. 2:14.

    Holotype; male; 57e0ab30-efbb-4ccb-9bc5-4ee806f9b829; deposited at: Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, German (ZMHUB); Lompobatang, Wawa Karaeng

  • Moritasgus stresemanni Günther, 1935: 20, pl. 2:13.

    Holotype; female; 6ac61a32-37e8-4b63-a1b7-2d66317c399c; deposited at: Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, German (ZMHUB); Mengkoka Mountains, Tanke Salokko

  • ... Show all ... (6)
  • Moritasgus stresemanni Günther, 1935 in Hennemann, 2021: 171. Specimen or distribution
  • Moritasgus stresemanni Günther, 1935 in Brock & Büscher, 2022: 536. Specimen or distribution

Nomenclature references (6)

Descendants and synonyms


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