- Root
- Animalia
- Polyneoptera
- Orthopterida
- Phasmida
- Euphasmatodea
- Lonchodidae
- Lonchodinae
- Lonchodini
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835
Lonchodes Gray, 1835
Lonchodes brevipes Gray, 1835 type species by subsequent designation of Lonchodes Gray, 1835
Nomenclature (65)
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835: 19.
type species by subsequent designation Lonchodes brevipes Gray, 1835 in Kirby, 1904
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Westwood, 1859: 36.
- ... Show all ... (61)
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Saussure, 1869: 299.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Stål, 1875: 8.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Stål, 1875: 7.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Stål, 1875: 7. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Kirby, 1890: 570. Phylogeny or classification
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896: 461.
type species by original designation Phasgania everetti Kirby, 1896
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Rainbow, 1897: 38.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Annandale, 1902: 439.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Kirby, 1904: 373.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Kirby, 1904: 321.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 in Kirby, 1904: 324.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907: 256 (p. 282 as Prisomera).
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Caudell, 1909: 111. Phylogeny or classification
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Dixippus Stål, 1875) in Caudell, 1909: 111. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Karny, 1923: 236.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 in Karny, 1923: 236.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Caudell, 1927: 21. Specimen or distribution
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Günther, 1929: 616.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Günther, 1932: 367.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Wu, 1935: 49. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Bradley & Galil, 1977: 181.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Dixippus Stål, 1875) in Bradley & Galil, 1977: 181.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Sellick, 1979: 326. Image or description; Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Vickery, 1983: 8.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 in Vickery, 1983: 10.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Hausleithner, 1984: 157.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Sellick, 1987: 138. Phylogeny or classification
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Carausius Stål, 1875) in Bragg, 1992: 129. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Schulten, 1995: 41.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Brock, 1995: 85.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Sellick, 1997: 105, 117. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Balderson, Rentz & Roach, 1998: 371.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Carausius Stål, 1875) in Balderson, Rentz & Roach, 1998: 363. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Herwaarden, 1998: 75.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Brock, 1999: 34, 169.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Bragg, 2001: 435, 636.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Lonchodes Gray, 1835) in Bragg, 2001: 625.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Zompro, 2004: 313.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Lonchodes Gray, 1835) in Zompro, 2004: 319.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, Grinang & Naming, 2004: 397.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Otte & Brock, 2005: 178.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Carausius Stål, 1875) in Otte & Brock, 2005: 83. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Hennemann & Conle, 2007: 22.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Lonchodes Gray, 1835) in Hennemann & Conle, 2007: 22.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Hennemann & Conle, 2008: 76.
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Lonchodes Gray, 1835) in Hennemann & Conle, 2008: 76.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Hennemann, Conle & Zhang, 2008: 12.
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Hennemann, 2008: 12. Image or description
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Chen & He, 2008: 97 [key in English 392].
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Xu, 2008: 22. Specimen or distribution
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Mandal & Yadav, 2010: 37. Image or description
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Harman, 2012: 13, 14. Specimen or distribution
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Ho, 2016: 332. Phylogeny or classification
- Phasgania Kirby, 1896 (subjective synonym of Lonchodes Gray, 1835) in Ho, 2016: 332. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, 2016: 291. Key
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, 2017: 105. Key
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, 2017: 140. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, 2018: 468. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, 2020: 23. Phylogeny or classification
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Yamada, Bresseel, Chen, Nguyen & Eguchi, 2021: 269. Behavior
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, 2021: 77. Key
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Brock & Büscher, 2022: 526. Specimen or distribution
- Lonchodes Gray, 1835 in Seow-Choen, 2023: 80. Phylogeny or classification
Nomenclature references (53)
- Annandale, N. (1902) Notes on the habits of Malayan Phasmidae, and of a flower-like beetle larva. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society, 14, 439–443.
- Balderson, J., Rentz, D.C.F. & Roach, A.M.E. (1998) Phasmatodea. In W.W.K. Houston & A. Wells (Eds.). Zoological Catalog of Australia. Vol. 23. Archaeognatha, Zygentoma, Blattodea, Isoptera, Mantodea, Dermaptera, Phasmatodea, Embioptera, Zoraptera. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. pp. 347–376, 451–456.
- ... Show all ... (49)
- Bradley, J.C. & Galil, B.S. (1977) The taxonomic arrangement of the Phasmatodea with keys to the subfamilies and tribes. Proceedings of the Entomological Society, Washington, 79(2), 176–208. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/16301624#page/194/mode/1up
- Bragg, P.E. (1992) Phasmida from Bako National Park. The Sarawak Museum Journal, 43(64), 295–319. Available at http://phasmid-study-group.org/sites/phasmid-study-group.org/files/Bragg,%20P.E.%20(1992)%20Sarawak%20Museum%20Journal,%2043(64)%20295-319.pdf
- Bragg, P.E. (2001) Phasmids of Borneo. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 771 pp. Available at http://www.nhpborneo.com/book/phasmids-of-borneo/
- Brock, P.D. & Büscher, T.H. (2022) Stick and leaf-insects of the world, Phasmids. NAP Editions, France: Verrières-le-Buisson, 612 pp. Available at http://www.napeditions.com/en/67-stick-and-leaf-insects-of-the-world.html
- Brock, P.D. (1995) Catalogue of Stick and Leaf-Insects (Insecta: Phasmida) associated with Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Malayan Nature Journal, 49(2), 83–102. Available at http://www.researchgate.net/publication/348052167_Catalogue_of_Stick_and_Leaf-Insects_Insecta_Phasmida_associated_with_Peninsular_Malaysia_and_Singapore_Malaysian_Naturalist_49283-102
- Brock, P.D. (1999) Stick and Leaf Insects of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, 223 pp. Available at http://www.nhbs.com/stick-and-leaf-insects-of-peninsular-malaysia-and-singapore-book
- Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. (1907) Phasmidae Anareolatae (Clitumnini, Lonchodini, Bacunculini). In Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden: Vol. II. Verlag Engelmann, Leipzig. 181–338, pls 7–15. [in German] Available at http://www.archive.org/details/DieInsektenfamilieDerPhasmiden.Vol.Ii.PhasmidaeAnareolataeclitumnini
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- Caudell, A.N. (1927) On a collection of orthopteroid insects from Java made by Owen Bryant and William Palmer in 1909. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 71(3), 1–42. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/32439#page/41/mode/1up
- Chen, S.C. & He, Y.H. (2008) Phasmatodea of China. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, 476 pp. [in Chinese] Available at http://www.nhbs.com/phasmatodea-of-china-chinese-book
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- Günther, K. (1929) Die Phasmoiden der Deutschen Kaiserin Augusta-Fluss-Expedition 1912/13. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Phasmoidenfauna Neuguineas. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 14, 600–747, pl. 1–7.
- Günther, K. (1932) Revision des Genus Lonchodes Gray (Orth. Phasm). EOS. Revista Española de Entomologia, 8, 367–389. Available at http://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/80864152.pdf
- Harman, A.J.E. (2012) The Development of the Phasmid Species List Part Two: PSG No. 51 - PSG No. 100. The Phasmid Study Group Newsletter, 127, 12–15.
- Hausleithner, B. (1984) Zur Systematik der Gattung Lonchodes Gray und die Erstbeschreibung des Weibchens von L. haematomus Westwood (Phasmatodea). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 94(11), 157–160.
- Hennemann, F.H. & Conle, O.V. (2007) Studies on Philippine Lonchodinae, with the description of two new genera and eleven new species (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae: Lonchodinae). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 97 Suppl., 3–88. Available at http://www.zobodat.at/pdf/MittMuenchEntGes_097_Suppl_0003-0088.pdf
- Hennemann, F.H. & Conle, O.V. (2008) Revision of Oriental Phasmatodea: The tribe Pharnaciini Günther, 1953, including the description of the world's longest insect, and a survey of the family Phasmatidae Gray, 1835 with keys to the subfamilies and tribes (Phasmatodea: "Anareolatae": Phasmatidae). Zootaxa, 1906, 1–316. Available at http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Frank_Hennemann
- Hennemann, F.H. (2008) Over de nieuwe classificatie van Lonchodes Gray, 1835. Phasma, 18(71), 12–21.
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- Herwaarden, H.M.C.V. (1998) A guide to the genera of stick- and leaf-Insects (Insecta: Phasmida) of New Guinea and the surrounding islands. SCIENCE IN NEW GUINEA, 24(2), 55–114. Available at http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/fiji/pdf/vanheerwarden1998.pdf
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Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
genus | 2 | 1 | 1 |
species | 126 | 44 | 82 |